1·'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment.
—— 《牛津词典》
2·Now that seems an apt description of many Americans.
3·I think is also an apt description for "third culture" people.
4·Is this not an apt description of those who do not have a scientific attitude?
5·But an ox is often a castrated bull-which may be an apt description of China's economic pain.
6·Twee though it may be, the word is an apt description the entire Arsenal defence this season.
7·The word “osedax,” Latin for “bone-eating,” is an apt description of this whale-carcass dweller;
8·That phrase has stayed with me, and it seems an apt description of my topic in this, my final column in this series (at least for a while).
9·The world seems a better place when I shop says the protagonist in the movie confessions of a Shopaholic and this dialogue is an apt description of all Shopaholic.
10·The word "osedax," Latin for "bone-eating," is an apt description of this whale-carcass dweller; osedax roseus, known as the zombie worm, inhabits and feeds on whale bones.
“osedax”在拉丁语中意思是“吃骨头”,这个词用来形容这种栖息于鲸尸体的生物真是再贴切不过了;osedax roseus也叫僵尸蠕虫,栖息在鲸的骨头中并以此为食。